تحذيرعدم الدخول الى إعلانات جوجل ,نحن غير مسؤولين عنها

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What Does Islam Say about Terrorism?

Islam, a religion of mercy, does not permit terrorism.  In the Quran, God has said
God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes.  God loves just dealers.  (Quran, 60:8)



The Prophet Muhammad  used to prohibit soldiers from killing women and children,1 and he would advise them: {...Do not betray, do not be excessive, do not kill a newborn child.}2  And he also said: Whoever has killed a person having a treaty with the Muslims shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise, though its fragrance is found for a span of forty years.3
Also, the Prophet Muhammad  has forbidden punishment with fire.4
He once listed murder as the second of the major sins,5 and he even warned that on the Day of Judgment, {The first cases to be adjudicated between people on the Day of Judgment will be those of bloodshed.6}7
Muslims are even encouraged to be kind to animals and are forbidden to hurt them.

Once the Prophet Muhammad  said:
{A woman was punished because she imprisoned a cat until it died.  On account of this, she was doomed to Hell. While she imprisoned it, she did not give the cat food or drink, nor did she free it to eat the insects of the earth.}8
He also said that a man gave a very thirsty dog a drink, so God forgave his sins for this action.
  The Prophet  was asked, Messenger of God, are we rewarded for kindness towards animals? 
He said: {There is a reward for kindness to every living animal or human.}9
Additionally, while taking the life of an animal for food, Muslims are commanded to do so in a manner that causes the least amount of fright and suffering possible.
 The Prophet Muhammad  said: {When you slaughter an animal, do so in the best way. One should sharpen his knife to reduce the suffering of the animal.}10
In light of these and other Islamic texts, the act of inciting terror in the hearts
 of defenseless civilians, the wholesale destruction of buildings and properties,the bombing and maiming of innocent men, women, and children are all forbidden and detestable acts according to Islam and the Muslims.  Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness, and the vast majority have nothing to do with the violent events some have associated with Muslims.  If an individual Muslim were to commit an act of terrorism, this person would be guilty of violating the laws of Islam.


Beauties of Islam By Yusuf estes




Bibliography and References of Books of Some Christians Who accepted Islam

1. Religion and State by Ali bin Rabbin At-Tabri.
2. Faithful Advice on exposing the Reality of the Religion of Christianity by Nasr Bin Yahya Al-Mutatabbib.
3. Muhammad in the Holy Book, published in Arabic and English by the Ministry of Islamic Law in Qatar.
4. The Gospel and the Cross, by David Benjamin Kaldani, who accepted Islam and adopted the name Abdul-Ahad Dawood..
in the Torah and the Gospels and the Quran.
6. Forgiveness in Islam and Christianity by Ibrahim Khalil Ahmed, a former Christian minister whose name before Islam was Abraham Phillips.
7. Allah: One or Three?
8. Christ: Human Being or God? By Magdy Morgan.
9. The Secret of My Islam by Fuad Al-Hashimi.
10. The Radiant Lighthouses in the Pitch Darknesses of this World by the guided Muhammad Zakiud-Deen An-Najjar.


This is blessed group who has chosen truth over falsehood and guidance over misguidance. Do you consider yourself more knowledgeable of Christianity than them? Then why have you not asked yourself about the reasons that lead them to abandon their former religion and declare their migration to Islam? What are those proofs and arguments which they read that drove them towards guidance and light?
I say to you that this blessed group is not the only one which left its religion and declared its Islam. They are indeed but a few of those learned Christians who have accepted Islam. I have mentioned them to you just as an example. There are many others like them and we witness caravans of faith in their daily travels on their way towards Islam, proclaiming that there is no deity except Allah and Muhammad
is the Messenger of Allah.
Our final prayer is: all praises and thanks are to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds,,




  Dans cette vidéo sous titrée en francais, cheikh yussuf estes nous raconte comment, en 1991 au texas , lui et son père ( deux prédicateurs protestants) sa femme ( une chrétienne évangéliste) ses deux filles , et un prêtre catholiques se sont convertis vers l'islam aprés avoir été réunis pendant plus de 3 mois avec un musulman d'egypte nommé Mohammed . Yusuf Estes est aujourdh'ui l'Aumônier National Musulman pour les Américains Musulmans, il voyage à travers le monde entier faisant des conférences et en partageant le message du Christ dans le Saint Quran . Il suggère à ceux qui cherchent la vérité de suivre les neufs étapes de la purification de l'esprit: 1.) Libérer leur esprit, leur coeur et leur âme de bonne façon. 2.) Se Libérer de tous les préjugés et jugement de valeurs. 3.) Lire une bonne traduction du sens du Saint Quran dans une langue qu'ils peuvent comprendre. 4.) Prendre un peu le temps 5.) Lire et réfléchir. 6.) Penser et prier. 7.) Demander à Celui qui vous a créé en premier lieu, de vous diriger vers la vérité. 8.) Garder cette attitude pendant quelques mois. Rester régulier dans cette pratique. 9.) Et surtout, ne pas laisser d'autres personnes qui sont empoisonnées dans leur pensée vous influencer pendant que vous êtes dans l'état de "renaissance de l'âme." l'histoire en ecrit : http://www.aimer-jesus.com/convertion_yussuf_estes.php




سبحان الله و بحمده

سبحان الله العظيم

..دعاء أرجوا من كل واحد يدخل الموقع ان يدعوا " لأم شادي" و "لأم هدى" بالشفاء

Seal of Prophets  


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